Monday, November 30, 2009

Welcome back, Sir

Yes, sir, welcome home
You must be tired.
After such a tiresome, fearsome company
With only your wall flower to accompany
In your partying with sashas and michelles
In their designer clothes
Sashaying to the melodious ringtones
Of our very own
Musical, global Indian.

Yes, sir, welcome home
You must be tired.
After such an eclectic, learned company
With only your few Ratans and Ambis to accompany
In your forking and corking with the fates of millions
Whose blood have reddened your fingers
And you think
Of liberation through your liberalized open-door

Yes, sir, welcome home
You must be tired.
After such a momentous, first-time affair
Or, should I say, a coitus forbidden
Only by the blood of millions before
Which you today spat on
With your spot-on deals and pacts
Of stealth, greed, and blood thirst


Anonymous said...

Wow... reminds me of Nissim Ezekiel's famous poem "Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T S"!

Very very different from your other poems but I like the combination of playfulness and satire!


Anonymous said...

Perfect dose of black comedy and realism! Fine example of poltical satire through poetry.


Jai said...

Why you so angry with Manny. He is a good man :)

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